Magome, Nagano-ken
Golden Week Selfie
"She didn't know where her heart would lead her,
but she knew she had to find out."
Hello! I'm back, and with lots of things to share! I recently got a message the other day from one of my Mom's friends noticing I hadn't blogged in a while, and wondering if I was OK. I figure this was a big push to get back into blogging and update everyone on the incredible journey I've been on these past four months.
As of late April, I officially became a Tokyo resident! I am now working as an Associate Consultant for the IT Team of a global recruitment agency called Morgan McKinley (more info about my awesome team and company are linked). It's been a life changing, and time consuming adventure, but I finally have settled down and am happy to share it with you.
First Day Back in Japan with Talia at the Dog Park, Gunma-ken
View from Westin, Tokyo-to
The timing of events this year has been nothing but surreal, and unexpected. Without a doubt, this past year has been the most challenging of my life. Even though a large part of me wants 2015 to be over, I realize that even in some of the darkest times there are always moments of joy and unexpected happiness.
Long story short, my job found me. Back in November I received a message through LI from MMK's talent acquisition specialist for an initial phone call. One phone call led to a few skype interviews in my freezing Niigata apartment, which lead to a very crazy,and positive day of interviewing in Tokyo in February, and eventually a job offer in March while I was in the States.
I took a huge leap of faith accepting this job opportunity, and deciding to move back to Japan. As detailed on this blog, I did not find my past situation in Niigata to be a positive experience. However, when the job offer proposed itself, I realized that I still have a lot of unfinished goals left in Japan. This new opportunity would allow me to have yet another fresh start, and change my perspective on a country that I now truly like.
Aunt Trace, Myself, Aunt Yuko and Uncle Russell Kawahara
Moving back to Japan, especially from Niigata to Tokyo, was a challenge I have never experienced. Aunt Trace and I spent countless late nights Stateside planning my move, prepping as much as we could ahead of time to make it as smooth as possible. Contrary to many people's perspectives, there are a lot of extra steps that are required to move within Japan that are different than the States. Least to say, I have managed to move out of an apartment almost entirely by myself within a foreign country in a span of a week (and I will never repeat that process again if I can help it!).
I am very fortunate to have relatives in central Tokyo, the Kawahara's, who have really taken me under their wing and helped me get settled in Japan. I could not have successfully settled into my apartment without these two - I am infinitely thankful and grateful.
I am very fortunate to have relatives in central Tokyo, the Kawahara's, who have really taken me under their wing and helped me get settled in Japan. I could not have successfully settled into my apartment without these two - I am infinitely thankful and grateful.
Golden Week with Angel and Rachel - Nagano-ken
Mary and Gary Visit Tokyo
Talia, Dan, Dave and Lee - Robot Restaurant, Shinjuku-ku
Mary and Gary Visit Tokyo
Talia, Dan, Dave and Lee - Robot Restaurant, Shinjuku-ku
Despite not having an apartment for nearly the first month and a half in Tokyo, I still partook in quite a few excursions, and was lucky to have a lot of visitors. I've traveled to a few prefectures: Gifu, Nagano, Niigata, Kanagawa, Yamanashi - and all over Tokyo. I've seen, and done, some strange and interesting things - between Tokyo Disney Sea, Shinjuku's infamous Robot Restaurant, Explored Tokyo's man-made island of Odaiba, Cosmo Clock 21 in Yokohama, held Owl's in Ikebukeruo, hiked through Kiso Valley over golden week, and even managed to travel to Vietnam earlier this month!
Outland Farewell Party - Yukiguni Crew
Brian and I at Ikefukero - Tokyo-to
Brian and I at Ikefukero - Tokyo-to
It's hard for me to find words to describe the past four months - countless positive adjectives can be used, yet I simply call it an amazing re-introduction to Japan. I am grateful for the memories I've managed to make, thanks to the friends and family featured in this post. As well as all of my co-workers, and especially my team, whom have invested so much energy into teaching me innumerable skills in such a short period of time. Not to forget, the huge support group of friends and family across the world who have sent me countless words of encouragement.
The hardest part of the entire transition, aside from the move, was saying good-bye to a some of my closest friends here in Japan. Although Japan feels a bit lonelier without these folks, I have peace knowing it's not the last time I will see them.
This year has been filled with unexpected. The downs were extreme: Between the ending of a relationship, the feeling of being stuck in a work and living environment that I did not like, and the loss of my Mom.
Yet, I wouldn't have pulled through these situations if it hadn't been for the support of these individuals I met on JET. I learned a lot about myself partaking in this program, but what I will always take away from being on JET was the friends I made - and how much these people helped me through the rough times.
Yet, I wouldn't have pulled through these situations if it hadn't been for the support of these individuals I met on JET. I learned a lot about myself partaking in this program, but what I will always take away from being on JET was the friends I made - and how much these people helped me through the rough times.
Even though I still grieve and think about my Mom daily, I can proudly say that I am in a situation that I want to be in - and one my Mom would support. I realize even during dark times, life still has a way of sneaking in plenty of positives. Between my job, finding love, and most importantly realizing who my true friends are - continually helps me.
I have no clue what the rest of 2015 will hold, but I'll be share more with all of you as it unfolds!
I have no clue what the rest of 2015 will hold, but I'll be share more with all of you as it unfolds!
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